Footage by Julie Lawson

A fight broke out outside Mustafa’s Kebabs on Ryrie Street in Geelong just after 2:20 PM.

Witnesses informed Geelong TV that two girls attempted to buy cigarettes but were turned away by the convenience store owner for not having ID.

A man in a high-visibility orange shirt, became angry at the store owner because he went in to buy a vape.

Since vapes are illegal, the man became upset and violent towards the convenience store owner.

The situation escalated quickly, leading to the man becoming even more violent.

The altercation spilled out onto the main street footpath of Geelong.

Customers and onlookers stopped to watch the fight.

One Good Samaritan attempted to break up the fight by stepping between the two men to prevent injuries.

The convenience store owner then threw a punch at the man in the orange shirt.

Despite efforts to de-escalate the situation, the men continued exchanging words and grappling with each other.

The store owner grabbed the man by his shirt, which the man eventually pulled off, leaving him shirtless and seemingly ready to continue the fight.

However, upon noticing several people recording the incident on their phones, the man decided to get into his car and drive away, leaving the crowd of onlookers shocked by the series of events.

One bystander’s partner was heard calling the police to report the incident.

It is unclear if the police did respond or if any charges have been laid.

But for one convenience store owner, it was undoubtedly a day he will never forget.